Essence of Jainism
authority of the Vedas on which it was based. The primary seers of the Nyaya-Vaišeșika and Upanişadic philosophies were such philosopher-sages. There were some supporters of the Nivastaka dharma who forcibly opposed the ritualism that obstructed tho progress of austerity, meditation and self-realization. They still did not question the authority of the vedic literature that was the basis of this ritualism. One such great person was Kapila, the promulgator of the Samkhya philosophy. That is the reason why, though the Samkhya-Yoga philosophies were basically opposed to Pravartaka dharma, the two ultimately merged in the Vedic philosophies.
The process of co-ordination of this sort went on for centuries in this country. Then there arose extremists in both these dharmas who did not accept the dharma opposed to one's own or even accept it as good. Even before Lord Mahāvīra and Buddha, so many followers of this extreme Nivartaka dharma were known. In the times of Mahavira and Buddha, however, there were so many institutions that nourished this Nivarfaka dharma and also those that very strongly opposed the Pravartaka dharma. Till this day, in all the classes of the society, high and low, various austerities, varied paths of meditation and so many conducts based on renunciation developed and influenced the society under the sbadow of this Nivsttidharma, so much so that in the time of Mahavira and Buddha, there developed a fierce tide of opposition between Pravar taka dharma and Nivartaka dharma. Proofs of this can be had in the contemporary Buddha and Jaina as also Brahmin literature. Tathagata Buddha was such a mature thinker. He was so very much firm in his conviction that be did not, in any way, give shelter to the beliefs and scriptures that had their basis in Nivartaka dharma. Long time sage Mahāvira too was an extreme follower of Nivartaka dharma. As a result we find that in both the cults, the Buddhist and the Jaina, so many Brahmins who followed the Vedas were converted. They made no effort to establish the authority of the Vedas in the Jaina and Bauddba litera. ture; nor did they give sanction to any sacrificial ritualism.
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