205. Ladduya- 91 21 10, 91 22 5 'a sweet-meat ball'.
[=ladḍuka-, modaka- (gl.); cf. PSM. laḍḍua-modaka; cf. laḍḍuka- occurring in Br.K., and lattuga- in Sam. K.; cf. M. ladu, Hi. laddu 'a sweet-meat ball. Connected with Sk. ladḍuka-, 'a kind of sweet-meat'.] 206. Lal-'to loli or wag, to dangle, :
lalaviya (caus. p.p.) 17 1 1.
[Vaidya renders it with prasarita-; the relevant passage is "karavalalalaviya-jihaho- 'of those moving the tongue to and fro in the form of the sword'. PSM. does not note it. cf. /lal- occurring in this sense in PC. I, KC. (8 18 10), and JC. (3 16 4 & 4 7 5). Connected with Sk. lala-; cf. MW. lala (W) lolling, wagging' and lalana= 'the lolling or moving the tongue to and fro' (Markaṇḍeya Purāṇa).]
207. Liha- 2 16 6, 58 18 1 'a line, a streak'.
[=rekha (gl.); cf. PSM. Itha- rekha-; cf. liha- occurring in this sense in PC. III, Bh. and liha in Br. K.; cf. Hi. lik- 'a mark, a line, a track' and G. liti 'a line.' Phonologically the word is to be connected with Sk. lekhā-, Pk. leha- 'a line, streak', rather than rekhā,,]
208. Lulayaya 25 6 6 'a buffalo'.
[=mahişa (gl.); the relevant passsge is
"kūrāri-lulāyaya-pumḍartu "
'the cruel enemies 11ke the buffalo and the tiger.' PSM. does not note it. Connected with Sk. lulapa-; cf. MW. lulaya-, 'a buffalo' (Balaramayana) and lulapa-= 'buffalo' (Harṣacarita). ]
209. Lhukkha- 9 1 14 'not greasy,'
[The relevant passage is - "sukkhu lhukkhu sauvirabbhukkhiu” – ‘dry, grease-less and sprinkled with sour gruel'; cf. PSM. lukkha- rukṣa-; cf. G. lukhu= 'not greased, unrelishable, unsavoury.' Connected with Sk. rükşa-, 'dry.']
210. Vaisaṇa- 50 8 1 'a seat, a throne.'
[=rajya- (gl.); vaisana- initially connotes 'a seat, a throne' hence 'a kingdom. The relevant passage is "vaisanai baitthu visahanamdi "— 'Visakhanandi sat on the throne'. cf. PSM, baisanaya- asana-, 'seat'; cf. vaisana- occurring in this sense in PC. I, II, III and baisanayain Bh.; cf. G. besnu= 'a seat.' vaisana- is connected with Sk. upaveśanaka-.]
211. Vatta- 23 15 14, 73 5 4, 85 24 8 'a path, a road'.
[=marga (gl.); cf. vatta- panthaḥ, 'road' (D. 7 31); cf. M.; Kon. vat'a road, path, way'. Connected with Sk. vartma, 'a path' with a change in gender. ]
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