186. Māyamda- 1 3 7, 10 9, 1 14 7, 20 5 8, 28 14 1, 39 I 6, 69 4 3,
83 9 7, 99 13 12 'the mango tree'.
[=āmra-(gl.). cf. māyaħda-= āmra (NC.). See māimda-] 187. Māsura— 65 13 6 'the beard'.
(=śmaśru (gl.); cf. māsurt= śmaśru, 'beard' (D. 6 130; Pāi. 237). cf. māsuri=śmaśru (PC. II ), cf. MW. māsurl (L)= 'a beard'; cf. also Ta. masir-, 'the beard'. masura- is connected with Sk. Śmaśru-. See
masireha..) 188. Minai-64 4 13 'Menakā, name of an Apsaras'.
[menakā devānganā (gl.); PSM. does not note it. miņai occurs at NC. 5 9 3 where it is rendered by the editor with manyate or mimite with a query 1, But menaka suits the context very well. mīņai is connected
with Sk, menakā; Pk. meņai - becoming minai is peculiar to Apabhraíba. 189.
» Mud - 'to break, to destroy'. mudiya--(p.p.) 12 15 8. [=bhagna-(gl.), The relevant expression is "mudiyalāna- khambha"- 'the broken tying post of the elephant' ; cf. PSM. mod-= bhanj , 'to break'. cf, mud-'to break, pulverize' (JC). Derived from comparatively
late Sk. N mut-, 'to crush, break, grind'. See N mod-] 190 Melaa- 32 2 8, 33 3 8 'a gathering, an assemblage, a group'.
(Vaidya renders melaa- at 33 3 8 with samüha-; cf. PSM. melaya-- 'a gathering' and melt= samhati, union, meeting, a group' (D. 6 138). cf. G. melo, M. mela 'a concourse of people, a gathering or an asse
mbly'. Connected with Sk. mela, an assembly'.] 191. Melāvakka- 32 24 4 ' a union',
melapaka- (gl.); Vaidya renders it with sangama-, Derived from Sk.
melapaka-. ] 192. Moya, 71 13 3 'plantain-grove'.
skadaliana (gl.); cf. PSM. moż= 'plantain tree'. Connected with Sk.
moca-. 'the plantain tree'. ] 193. Mod - 'to break, twist, crush, destroy':
modai (press. 3.s) 16 9 4; modil ya-(p.p.) 40 9 8, 59 12 7, 75 6 4, 78 20 6, 79 11 8, 85 12 14, 85 13 4, 91 15 4. [=bhagna prstiksta (gl.); cf. PSM.wmod -- bhanj-, 'to break'; cf. » modoccurring in this very sense in JC. , NC. PC, I, PC. II, Bh.,cf. mut'to crush, grind'. (Tri. III). For N.I.A. derivatives see ND. mornu
to bend, to twist'. Derived from Sk. mut-, 'to crush, break, grind'.
See » mud- ] 1. See NC. Jain, H., Karanjā, 1933, Glossary.
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