173. Bhembhala- 34 10 7 (v.1, veľbhala-), 53 5 9 (v.1. vimbhala-) 'agitated,
(=vihvala. (81.); the gloss loosely renders bhenbhala- at 34 10 7 with bhayānaka-. The relevant expression here is - " bhīru-bhebhalazi." which means 'unnerving the cowards'; cf. PSM. bheňbhala-= vyākula-,
See veíbhala- and bhimbhala-.] 174. Bhesai- 38 8 6, 65 7 2, 69 4 7 'the preceptor of gods.'
[Ebhaspati (gl.). The relevant passages are -1) "jam vannahu bhesai vi na sakkai" (38 8 6) - 'even Bșhaspati will not be able to describe her'. 2) "āyau bhesai angārau saņi" (65 7 2)- 'there arrived Brhaspati, Angāraka and 'Sani' and 3)" je buddhii jittau bhesai” (69 4 7) - Brhaspati was conquered by him with his intellect. PSM. does not note it. bhasei is connected with Sk, bịhaspati.]
175. Madaya--4 7 13 'a dead hody, a corpse'.
[=mrataka- (gl.); cf. mada-=msta, 'a corpse'. (D-6 141) and madaya-- mstaka (Pal. 420, H. 1 206). cf, madaya- occurring in this very sepse in JC. (4 16 11), PC, ÌI; cf. G. madu , M., Kon. made= 'a corpse, a dead body'. Connected with Sk. mstaka-- 'dead'. See madaulla-.)
176, Mamtha - 12 5 25 (v.l. santha-) 'made even, polished'.
[The relevant passage is - "visamai mamthai vimjhovakamthai " - 'the regions at the foot of the Vindhya mountain which are uneven and made even or plain'. Though the gloss gives nimnonnatäni as the rendering of mamthai, it is likely that this may be the paraphrase of visamai and mamtha-- may mean města= 'polished, made even'. This view finds support from JC. - 3 1 13 where uvakamtham is qualified by mantha-, There also, following the editor, we can take mainthain the sense of mrsta= 'polished, made even'. So the expression mamthuvayanthaesa” (JC. 3 1 13 ) would mean 'the region adjoining (the river) made even'. Compare mattha—=mrsta-(Pāi. 15). marthais derived from Sk. mrsta 'polished'. See a-martha...]
177. Mamthaa— 12 11 2, 85 6 3 'a churning stick'.
r=ravika (gl. ). cf. PSM. martha-= 'a churning rod'. Connected with Sk. math-, manth=, 'to churn'. cf. MW. mantha-, mantha-= chur
ning stick', For the word ravikā given in the gloss see Appendix.] 178. Marāla— 15 7 5, 15 11 9,17 12 5, 23 9 6, 33 8 6, 34 7 2, 78 3 7a)
‘a swan, a flamingo'. Chaṁsa(gi.). At D. 6 112 Hemacandra considers marala- in the sense of hansa-, 'swan' to be a Deśt word on the authority of Satavābana;
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