(=pradakşinikặtya, paribhramya, triḥ pradaksinikītya (gl.); at 8 13 6 pariyamciya-, is used in the sense of parivestita-, 'surrounded'; the relevant passage here is - "parihatiehi pariyamciyar " - '(the cities) surrounded by three moats'; PSM. notes » pariyamc- in the sense of 'to go near': cf. / pariyanc, occurring in the above sense in JC. at
1 12 14, NC., PC. I, II, and Bh. Derived from Sk. pari-tac-.] 185. Parighul- 'to move to and fro, to dangle, to shake or agitate
briskly': parighulamti (pres. 3. pl.) 10 3 3: parighuli(y)a-(p.p.) 93 7 3, 99 19 6,
[=vilasamti (gl.); pari-+ghul-: see a ghul;-) 136. ^ Pariludh- 'to roll down':
pariludhia- (p.p.) 3 17 2 (v. 1. paridhulia-)
[=patitam (81.) derived from Sk. pari-+luth-, 'to roll on the ground'.) 137. ^ Palatt- 'to return':
palaţfai (pres. 3. s.) 65 20 3,
[See pallatf- at S. No. 139 and N palhatth- at S. No. 143.] 138. „Palott- 'to fall, to turn topsy-tury':
=palottiya-(p.p.) 45 9 11, 77 10 1: palotta—(p.p.) 65 20 4. [=patita-, unmūlita--- (gl.); cf. PSM.1 palotf-- 'to fall' (H. 4 200) and palottam patita- (GS); cf. palott- occurring in this very sense in JC., NC., PC. I. & PC. II; connected with Sk. pra-+luth- 'to knock
down' (Dhatupatha); see ✓ palati-, palhatth- and 1 pallatt-) 139. „Pallatt- 'to return, to go back':
pallattami (pres. 1.s.) 22 15 12: pallatta-(p.p.) 25 2 12 (v.1. pallatfia-). (Compare » palott-= prati-+-+gam, 'to return' (H. 4 166, Tr. 31 98): cf. pallati, occurring in this sense in PC. II. & Bh. and vpalluttin PC. I: cf. Hi. palatnā= 'to turn back, to return'; see ND. paltanu= 'to upset, overturn, be turned upside down, turn round'.). Bloch has connected w pallatt- with Sk. pari-+at- Turner tentatively connects the form with Sk. parivartate, Pk. parivatļai and then pariattai, pariaffai. In the meaning he definitely sees the influence of Sk. parivartate. It appears that 1 pallatt- is in form as well as in meaning the result of the contamination of Sk. paryasta-, Pk. pallatth-with Sk. parivart-, Pk. pariatt- and paliatt. The form with the single -la-, namely, palatt- appears to be a further development from pallatt
See palatt- and 1 palhatth- at S. No. 142. 140. Pallatt- 'to transform, to change':
pallattivi (abs.) 30 20 3, pallattia-(p.p.) 33 6 13. [Vaidya renders pallattia- at 33 6 13 with parivartita-; cf, PSM. w palatt-, w pallatt-= 'to change' (H. 4 200); cf. Hi. palatnā, M. palatnē,
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