120. Thora 67 2 6 'large and round.'
[The relevant passage is "thora-thembha-thippira-naho" - 'the sky from which large drops of water were dripping': cf. thora-Krama-pṛthu-parivartula-, 'gradually becoming large and round' (D.5 30) and thora- sthula-(H. 2 99; Pai.126); cf. thora- in the above sense occurring in JC.; connected with Sk, sthura-, 'big, stout' (RV). See ND. thore.]
121. Divaddha- 11 26 8 'one and a half'.
[Compare PSM. divadḍha- (D) = doyapardha, 'one and a half'; cf. divaddha- in this sense in Bh.; cf. M. didh, Kon. deḍhaz 'one and a half.' Connected with Sk. duyardha-.)
122. Dratti 60 5 2 (v.1. datti) 'quickly, swiftly, soon.'
sighram (gl.); PSM. does not note it; D. 5 41 notes sense of sighram, 'soon'; dratti is connected with Sk. See davatți.]
123. Dhaiya- 85 7 4 satisfied'.
[niddamdhaiya nidratṛptaḥ (gl.); connected with Sk. dhra- 'to be satisfied'. See dhau-, dha-, and dhava-]
125. Dhava- 51 16 7, 77 6 12 'satisfaction'.
[trpti (gl.); see dhau, dhaiya, dha-]
124. Dhau- 69 3 10 'satisfaction'.
[=typti (gl.); cf. dhau- occurring in this very sense in PC. III; cf. also dhara occurring at 75 9 10 in PC. III; most probably it goes back to Sk./dhra-, 'be satisfied'; compare this with G. dhara-vu= 'to be satisfied' derived from dhra-, 'to be satisfied': the noun form may be *dhraya- from which the word dhau- evolved, meaning tṛpti-, 'satisfaction'. See dhava-, dhaiya and dha]
126. Dha-. 'be satisfied':
dutti in the
drag iti -
dhai (pres. 3. s.) 91 21 11.
[PSM. does not note it. Compare dhai occurring in this very sense in JC. at 3 13 8 and dhaiya- in PC. III. Derived from Sk. dhra-, 'to be satisfied'. See dhaiya-, dhau and dhava-,
127. Dhārā- 4 17 11 'a kind of musical measure, employed when Heroic sentiment is depicted'.
Jain Education International
[Tippana of Prabhacandra gives- "virarasābhinayo dhārātālaḥ". Connected with Sk. dhara-.
128. Dhaha- 14 8 5, 60 14 13 'distressed cry for urgent help, cry of lamentation'.
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