6 5 11, 32 11 10, 44 73, 65 12 3, 85 24 13, 92 3 13, 94 12 13; avarurdivi (abs.) 20 4 10, 57 18 5. [= alingita. (gl.); cf. avarundia-= parirambha-= 'embrace' (D. 1 11); cf, Navarund- in the same sense occurring in JC. (2 8 1), NC., KC. ,
PC. I, and Bh.; see avarundaņa-. ] 797. Avarumdaņa-- 25 1 5 'an embrace'.
[See » avarund-] 798. A-viballiya- (p.p.) 17 11 5.
[= avicalita-, sthira-(g1.); see whall-, ] 799. Asarāla— 19 2 4, 56 3 14, 70 15 2, 87 4 7, 102 8 9 'in plenty,'
'abundant,' 'unlimited'. [= bahula-, aparyāpta- (gl.); Alsdorf notes bahu and aparyanta as the gloss on asarala at 87 4 7; PSM does not record this; cf. asarala
occurring in this very sense in PC. I & II.] 800. Āyallaa—48 1 9 'uneasiness due to love'.
[= kațākşa-(gl.); cf, aalla-= roga-= 'disease', cañcala-a'upsteady' (D. 1 75); cf. āyallaya-= pidita-(PC. II); MW. notes āyallaka- as recorded in Lexicons only and gives- "(etymology doubtful) impatience, longing for, missing, regretting". ] The word āyalla- occurs in MP, in a compound expression "amun. iyavaniyāyallao'. Vaniyāyallao is rendered in the gloss with stri-kafőkşa-, and hence the whole compound can be rendered ajnāta- stri-katākşa-= ‘one who has not known the side glance of a damsel'. But some more evidence would be necessary to take this meaning as authentic, for, elsewhere āyalla- has the sense of 'painfully uneasy (uneasiness due to love)', or 'disturbed state of mind due to love' or 'love-lorn condition of the mind (madana-vyakulatva-). PSM. renders ayallayā- with 'restlessness and quotes in support of this sense the following passages:1) "mayanasaravihuriyangi sahasa ayallayam patta" (Paumacaria of Vimalasūti 8 189) - 'with her limbs shattered with the darts of the Love-god, she all at once reached the state of love-lorpness'. 2) "viddho anamgabāņehi jhatti āyallayaṁ patto' (Surasumdaricaria 16, 110) - 'struck by the arrows of the Love-god, he attained the state of love-lornness'. 3) "kir una pia-vaassa maanäallaan attana uidehim akkharehim nivedemi" (Karpūtamañjari) - 'Dear friend, how can I convey my love-lorn
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