B 5. Onomatopoetic words
6. Foreign Loans
62 3
606. Imdimdira-16 12 14, 39 10 4, 45 6 7, 48 9 3, 57 26 3, 60 29 1, 11, 78 22 11, 85 5 8 'a large black bee'.
(a) Words of Dravidian origin (b) Words of Persian origin 5. ONOMATOPOETIC WORDS
[The word appears to have been made up of two elements, namely, imdimd-tira-, an Agentive suffix; imdimd- may be the onomatopoetic expression for imitation of the sound of a bee, and hence imdim. dira- 'one who makes imdimd-sound, 'a bee'; Hemacandra considers this to be a tatsama-word meaning bhramara-, 'a bee' at D- 1 79; cf. imdimdira-occurring in this very sense in NC., PC. I, Chand. (6 19 35) and Vajja. (229); cf. MW. imdimdira- a large bee' (Prasannaraghava). ]
Kadatti 85 12 14 'cracking with a kat-sound (w. r. to the bull's neck)'.
[kat-iti sabadena; cf. kaḍatti occurring at JC. 2 37 3 in the context of 'cracking (of bones)'; cf. G. kaḍkaḍ-= 'a loud crashing, crackling or rattling sound'.]
608. Kadayad-'to crack', 'crash', 'crackle':
kaḍayaḍai (pres. 3. s.) 3 20 13 (w. r. to globe of earth), 14 9 7 (w. r. to trees), 52 11 12 (w. r. to falling), kaḍayaḍamta-(pres. p.) 50 5 8 (w. r. to roots of trees); kadayaḍiya-(p. p.) 39 17 11 (w. r. to kneejoints and elbow-joints), 75 8 10 (w. r. to chariots).
[Compare kaḍayadiya-kadakaḍita (vidyut sabdānukāra-) (JC.); cf. kadayadamti cracking of bones' (NC.); cf. kaḍayaḍamta-='cracking' (PC. II); cf. G. kadkad-vu= 'to crash, crack, rattle'; see kaḍayaḍatti and kadayaḍa-J
Jain Education International
609. Kadayaḍa-76 7 7 'crackling noise of bower'.
[=katakata-sabda (gl.); see
610. Kadayaḍatti-60 11 2 'with [kadayad iti sabdena-; see
611. Kadhakadh 'to burn boiling':
kaḍayad- and kaḍayaḍatti-.] a crackling noise of bones'. kaḍayad- and kaḍayada--]
intensely, to give forth sound while
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