Jñānasāra Meaning : Wilt thou ever be able to get the fruits of the tree of welfare if tbcu goest on disclosing thy meritorious deeds which are, verily, the roots of that tree ), splashed over, by currents of water in the form of self-praise ? (2) (138)
Notes : You have done meritorious deeds. You have a right to reap the good fruit therefrom. But you should see that the waters of self-praise do not spoil them. Self-praise, in other words, reduces the value of the good deeds. (2) [138]
आलम्बिता हिताय स्युः परैः स्वगुणरश्मयः । अहो स्वयं गृहीतास्तु पातयन्ति भवोदधौ ॥३॥ ॥१३९॥ ālambitā hitāya syuh
paraih svaguṇaraśmayaḥ || aho svayam gļhītāstu
pātayanti bhavodadhau 11311 1113911
Meaning : The strings of one's own virtues resorted to by others become beneficial (to them ). But if the same are resorted to by one's own self, they drop him into the worldly ocean. (3) [139]
Notes : The strings are usually for saving the others. Let them catch them and save themselves. It comes to this that if some one imbibes your merits, he will be benefited. One's merits are meant for otbres to serve as example. (3) [139]
उच्चत्वदृष्टिदोषोन्थस्वोत्कर्षज्वरशान्तिकम् ।। पूर्वपुरुषसिंहेभ्यो भृशं नीचत्वभावनम् ॥४॥ ॥१४०॥
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