Meaning It is the greatest delusion of a stupid man that he thinks that he is able to render pure by water the body, which is produced out of dirtiness and is able to render impure what is pure. (4) [108 ].
Notes: To take the body which by itself is impure and which makes that impure which comes into its contact, as pure is sheer stupidity. How can you expect good from such a body even if you bathe it with litres and litres of water ? Compare the following Śloka occurring in भवभावना : सुवकं पिउणो माऊए सोणियं तदुभयं पि संसों तप्पढमाए जीवो आहारइ तत्थ उप्पन्नो । ( 4 ) [ 108 ]
यः स्नात्वा समताकुण्डे हित्वा कश्मलजं मलम् । gað arfa anförá atsana qe: yfa: 11411 1180911
yaḥ snātvā samatākuṇḍe
hitvā kaśmalajam malam i
Jain Education International
punarna yāti mālinyaṁ
so'ntarātmā paraḥ śuciḥ 1151 п109|||
Meaning: The inner conscience of that person is extremely pure who does not become impure again having bathed in the reservoire of equanimity and having removed the dirt of sin. (5) [109]
Notes: Then only the body becomes clean and pure, the author observes, when it is bathed in the pond of holy water of equanimity and is thus stripped of dirt in the form of sin. This is the only method and right method, too, to purge it of impurities. Every thing else is an exercise in futility, the author announaces his final opinion.
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