The Discourse Divine
आनंदो निर्दहत्युद्धं कर्मे धनमनारतं ।
न चासो खिद्यते योगी, बहिदुःखेष्वचेतनः ॥४८॥ |
Self produced happiness is constantly burning up the karmic fuel in large quantities, while the yogi, indifferent to the external pain, is not affected by it in the least!
Note: The Master Ascetic is constantly absorbed in the enjoyment of the spiritual happiness pertaining to his soul, and is, therefore, not affected by bodily discomforts and pains to which he dose not even attend consciously.
[ श्लोक
अविद्याभिदुरं ज्योतिः परं ज्ञानमयं महत् ।
तत्प्रष्टव्यं तदेष्टव्यं तद्द्द्रष्टव्यं मुमुक्षुभिः ॥ ४९ ॥
That excellent and supreme light of the Self is the destroyer of ignorance, the seekers after salvation should always engage themselves in questioning others about it, in affectionately seeking it and in realizing it by actual experience!
Jain Education International
The soul being the embodiment of knowledge is antithetical to ignorance. Hence the injunction to be constantly engaged in talking and thinking of it and in feeling it in every other possible way. It will not do to turn to the Self for a moment or two once a week or even every day; for the habit of the mind is that it runs always after what has engaged its attention the most of the time. The reason why novitiates in yoga find it difficult to concentrate their mind on the Self is to be found in the fact that their habitual thinking unconsciously directs the stream of thought into the accustomed channels of activity, and the slightest temptation, which they have never learnt to resist, suffices to steal away their determination. जीवोsन्यः पुद्गलश्चान्य, इत्यसौ तत्त्वसंग्रहः ।
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The Self is different from matter, matter is different from the Self. this is the quintessence of all the compilations of wisdom; all the rest of knowledge is but an amplification of this!
Note:-Here the acharya sums up the result of the entire discourse and says that the one thing to know is the fact that the soul is not matter, nor matter the soul. This is the quintessence of philosophy, though it is necessary to explain it in detail for the benefit of the ignorant who entertain many doubts on the subject. Whoever has understood this one crucial point or fact thoroughly, so that no doubt is left in his mind concerning the nature and divinity of the soul, is the knower of truth who is
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