The Kimśuka flower were felt like intensly black shomer of blood. The Palāśas are doubtlessly real fresh-eating monsters. The braze made everything unbearable. Even the Sabanjana produced misery.//209
The falling flower dust redend the gound. I was distressed by the fresh mango blassons. Cool breeze blows making the earth cool. It does not produce cold, but drives away heat.//210
Asoka is falsely so called by the people, because it does not remove my śoka even for half a moment. The pride of the love-god my body. the mangoes did not give any supporting strength to my body.//211
Finding out a hole to enter Separation.. terribly. I heard the crying notes of dancing peacocks. Seeing a peacock that had climbed on the tree-top, I hear, “O traveller the Gatha, to which I recited.//212
Seeing the female peacock rejoicing at the dancing peacock, I feel miserable. I am also unhappy due to illusion of clouds produced by fressh trees spreading in the sky.//213.
Reciting this Gatha I got up weeping remeberring my old long-standing misery. The flames of Separationfire blazed in my body which was broken by Love-gods arrows.//214
For a moment I experienced the unbearable death noose of Yama, as beautiful flowers appeard attractive in all the directions. The fresh mango blososms, dense and continuous reached high in the sky. The spring arrived.//215.
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