If the rice-Ksira containing profuse milk bounces, should the modest gruel, containing grains and chaft should not sputter ? // 16
Whatever one's poetic powers, one should express them unashamed. Because Brahman spoke, should the rest not speak at all ? // 17
No (composition) of complex structure in excellent metres and full of flavour is there in the three worlds that is unseen or unheard by you O wise ones. Which one of you therefore would tolerate listening to a harsh, grace-lacking (work) of block-heads like me But perhaps, (even)persons of culture and taste, when hard up, finding betel-leaves beyond reach, may somehow be consoled with the satapatri. //18
This Sandesarasaka, which is to broadcast among the people the greatness of his poetic talent and learning as also his scholarship, being revealed to the public by the weaver. It is being recited out of curiousness and with a simple heart Knowing this, O wise ones, show indulgence for half a moment just for a while and please listen to where is composed by this humble man in crude words. // 19
If some great man chances across this work and learns it, I take hold of that wise one's hand and say : you know those that are wise and those that are stupid. // 20
The wise persons would not wait to listem to this censidering it poetry, (while) the stupid would not understand this because of their stupidity. But before
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