S. T. Nimkar
489.. Seeing that Siddha-prince, my friend, these shameless eyes
of mine have led me to the path of immodesty; what shall
I speak ? . 490. Although knowing, my dear friend, that it was highly im
proper of my maidenhood, I was still placed at the head
of the shameless ones by the wretched Love (or Cupid). 491. Since, O friend, he gave me with a smile and without any
reason, this favour of Garuda, destructive of the poison
of all serpents, 492 remembering that great favour of his, dear friend, I thought
of affection and passion growing together (in me). 493. And thinking all the while about (his) character, descent,
nature, learning, modesty and great virtue, I descended cn
the path of immodesty. 494.' Then, even without telling you, with all my good intentions.
covered (lit. destroyed) by shame, I came to this (place)
cool with moonshine and breeze. 495. So I was tortured all the more, my friend, by these wicked
moon-rays difficult to look at and resembling the blade of
a sharp saw. 496. These quarters are as if set on fire to-day by these moon
beams, and the garden-breezes also blow today as if being
smeared with poison. 497. So tell me, going to which place will our agony be removed
tortured that we are by the great fire of Cupid and doers
of bad deeds ?" 498. And I said, “My dear friend, all this even others say; this
· infatuation caused by love cannot be controlled in any
way. 499. (Quite) different is that which is concealed; good girl, this
Love-secret, on the contrary is made manifest not so much
by being disclosed as by being concealed". 500. Saying this, my brother, I arranged a bed (for her) with
fresh (lit befitting) lotus-leaves, cooled wiih camphor, sandal-wood and lotus-stalk.
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