Some Jain Concepts and Conduct
him - sai antaraddha.44
Upabhoga-paribhoga-vrata - limitation is imposed on upabhoga- consumption of food, drinks, sweet, flower, garlands and paribhoga - use of clothes, ornaments, beds, seats, house, vehicle etc. In the voluntary imposition of limit, the articles and activities which involve injury to life on a large scale is completely discarded and those which entail insignificant injury are delimited. It should be noted here that this gunavrata envisages two classes of thing to be abundant and delimited namely articles of food (bhojana) and professions (karma). The former includes foods and drinks and delicacies like meat, wine and honey and all other live food. The professions include fifteen items which involve injury to life. 45 1. Ingalakamma - livelihood from charcoal
Vanakamma - livelihood from destroying plants Sadikamma - livelihood from carts Bhaờikamma - livelihood from transport fees Phoļikamma - livelihood from hewing and digging Dantavanijja - trade in animal by products Lakkhavanijja - trade in lac and similar substances Rasavanijja - trade in alcohol and forbidden food
stuffs 9. Visavanijja - trade in destructive articles 10. Kesavanijja - trade in men and animals 11. Jantapilanakamma - work involving milling
Nilañcchanakamma - work involving mutilation
Davaggidavanya - work involving the use of fire 14. Saradahatalagaparisosanya - work involving the use
of water
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