the study of poetry [1.10]; and speaks of the difficulty in successfully completing a poem undertaken in the first flush of enthusiasm, and, above all, in combining beauty of compo. sition (bandhacchāyā) with a new range of meaning (ahinava atthagal) i. e. the novelty of ideas (1.9, 11). It is noteworthy that the expression bandhacchaya is frequently used by writers like Anandavardhana and Kuntaka in expounding their poetical thcories.' Anandavardhana in particular refers to the objectives mentioned by Pravarasena in almost identical language, and gives a recipe for attaining the desired result in conformity with his Own view of poetry2. Pravarasena appears to be one of the earliest writers to use the expression bandhacchaya, and it is probable that Anandavardhana was influenced by the use of the word in the Setubandha in connection with a fundamental problem of poetry. Vakpati, apparently taking his cue from Pravarasena, also speaks of new ideas and beauties of composition; but he does not bother about the difficulty mentioned by his predecessor, and claims rather light-heartedly that these qualities have been common only in Prakrit poetry 'since the creation of the world'".
1 Bandha is poetic composition. Vamana says ra: gear Kavyalaṁkārasūtravṛtti 3.1.4. Kuntaka calls it vakyavinyasa and gives a definition of the term: सौभाग्यला वग्य परिपोषकः । व्यापारशाली वाक्यस्य विन्यासो बन्ध उच्यते ॥ Vakroktijivita, ed. De, pp. 11, 54, 43. Kuntaka explains as fa pp. 70, 109; he speaks also of bandha-saundarya. Vidyacakravartin explains bandhacchaya as grathana-vaicitrya in his comm on Alamkarasarvasva (ed. Janaki, p. 63). The lack of the kantiguna in composition, a defect described by Vamana 3.1.25 as pura accha a 'fade lustre,' i.e. lack of colour, is explained by Hemacandra as puran bandh :cchaya. Kavyanu'sāsana, Vol. I, p 286.
2 अभूतरसाचा येण क व्ये क्रियमाणे नव स्वार्थलाभो भवति बन्धच्छाया च महती संपाद्यत इति, p. 239. Fcr other uses of the term see Dhvanyaloka, pp. 154, 218, 240, 246. NS ed. 3 वमन्यसणं संनिवेससिसिराओ बन्धरिद्ध भो ।
अवरमिणो आवणबन्धमिह णवर पययम्मि 192
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