paampiavva 5.50 (AFÍCI 7547 = 27-), ramiavvaa 5.61 (65767 = 3a), cumbiavva 5.65, rūsiavva 5.66 (279), roiavva 4.48 etc. Gaida 58 uses visūriyavva as a noun'.
Gerundives in anijja are vimhaanijja 4.39, lajjaņijja 11.29, vaaņijja 4.13, tavaņijja 15.13 etc. But saania occurs in 12.25. The forms in anta properly belong to Sauraseni, but sometimes occur in Mahārāștri texts. Gaida has both ramaņijja and ramaniya (602). Lila has ramaniya, sayaņīya, asoyaņiya (311) with ņijja as a variant. GS 4.63 has dūsahaņia.
Apart from special forms, the passive is invariably formed with ijja: e.g., lakkhijjai 6.95, cintijjaü 3.26, samkhohijjai 6.69, cakkalaijjanta 13.74, āāmijjanta 10.7, sūijjai 11.59, pahāmijjanta? 7.69, khavijjai 3-25, munijjai 6.58, lãijjai? 4.35, raijjanta: 8.87, nimmāvijjai- 8.79, ņivvavijjaü® 11.76, viijjanta? 6.37, dohāijjaie 5.35 etc.
The passive in ia, usual in Sauraseni, seems to be absent in both Setu and Gaüda; while Lila (800) has an isolated form pariņiyasi. It may also be noted that the suffix ija with which the Passive is formed in Old Marāțh1' is considered the successor of Pkt. ijjalo.
Some of the special forms of the passive are vidhappanti 1.10, gheppai 1.30 (OM ghepe), dīsai (OM disell), ņihammai 11.123, tīrai 3.18, ukkhammanti 6.33, libbhanta 9.41, kīrai 3.12, hirai 6.11, Sisail2 10.77 (majority reading for sāsai), 1 cf. Vasu : dāyavva p. 2, sam sariyavva p. 24, mariyavva p. 34, acchiyavva p. 66 etc.
used as nouns, 2 TEFTATU 3 apota 4 EAA 5 faitza 6 faalaala 7 Fara; better failAT (cf. Gauda 334). 8 fa fita 9 e. g., jāņije, pāhije (3rd. sg.); pāvijati (pl.); gilijatu, sevijatu (pres. part.), 10 GOM, P. 134; OMR, p. 70, 11 OMR, Extract 20,5, 12 frega; tria ( qa).
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