convey by suggestion a different sense connected with an implied. non-contextual situation. In the VL we find frequent use of both the kinds of pun, while in Hala's anthology the use of the denotative pun is less frequent than that of the suggestive pun. The VL shows many examples of unexpected and startling similes based on the use of the denotative pun. Such similes are always felt to be very artificial and unrealistic as there is no real similarity at their root at all and they present the appearance of a tourde force. For example: the poet is compared to a burglar (st. 22, 23); poetry is compared to the girdle of a woman (st. 20); the villain is compared to a nail-cutter ( st. 51), to a tabor ( st. 52), to an arrow (st. 53 ), to a snake ( st. 57, 58 ), to a lion (st. 60 ), to a dog (st. 61 ); a niggardly master is compared to the painted likeness of an elephant (st. 154), a harlot is compared to a lamp in a poor man's house and to a poet ( st. 560), to a cake of gram-flour ( st. 561 ), to a pair of tongs (st. 562 ), to a sword (st. 564), to a jewel-box( st, 565 ), to a rain-bow ( st. 567 ), to a garment ( st. 573), to a candana plant (st. 575) and to an ascetic (st. 578). Compare also stanzas 301-303 in the
The VL abounds in figures of speech, the most commonly used being उपमा, रूपक, दृष्टान्त, अर्थान्तरन्यास, उत्प्रेक्षा, समासोक्ति, अप्रस्तुतप्रशंसा, ( mostly of the अन्योक्ति type ), तुल्ययोगिता, दीपक, कारकदीपक, अपह्नुति, काव्यलिङ्ग, निदर्शना, व्यतिरेक, विरोध and विकल्प. Of those which occur oceasionally are अर्थापत्ति (214 638 ), अतिशयोक्ति (196, 248, 315), विनोक्ति (263, 80*3, 300*3), विषम ( 80, 300*5), प्रहेलिका ( 371, 372), उत्तर (213), आक्षेप (438), पर्यायोक्त (442), समुच्चय (268, 464), तद्गुण (596), हेतु ( 782), अन्योन्य (75), निश्चय (643), कारणमाला (116), विनिमय (696). Slesa (pun) occurs only rarely as an independent figure (637, 769, 770, 771, 72*4) but very frequently in support of other figures like उपमा, रूपक, दीपक, समासोक्ति, अप्रस्तुतप्रशंसा and others.
So far as the Rasas are concerned, we get many examples of संभोगशृंगार and of विप्रलम्भशृंगार [ see in particular the गयवज्जा ( st. 190199) and the f(st. 236-252)]. The Karunarasa is in evidence chiefly in the f(st. 215.219) and the Virarasa chiefly in the (st. 162-178). The Bibhatsarasa is found in st. 50, 98, 177, 178. Humour based on irony is met with in stanzas like 139, 140, 141, 157. 477, 478, 480, 482, and also in
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