प्राकृतसर्वस्वम् ।
22. Considered from the linguistic aspect, this dialect, according to some, stands closer to Mg whence it derives its name Amg implying thereby that it was not fully Magadhī, but that it contained greater element of Mg combined with smaller elements of other dialects.11 But a close examination of Jaina canon reveals that its language resembles M more than it does Mg-a fact which led JACOBI to call it Jaina Prakrit to distinguish it from Jaina M which was used in the works of later Jaina writers.12 This probably led KĨ to characterise Amg as the mixture of M and Mg (mahārāṣtrīmisrā ardhamāyadhi ),13 Some scholars also opine that Amg is said to be the language which was current in half the Magadha country. Thus from both aspects we see that Amg points to a close affinity with Mg or the language of Magadha.15 There is every likelihood that it was originally close to Magadha but with the passage of time it underwent great changes probably on account of the tampering of Jaina preachers mostly when Magadha was gradually gaining ground in the society. Since to preach the religion through the the medium of the popular tongue was the principle of Jaina monks right from Mahavira, Amg which was once close to Mg gradually lost its individuality to be subsequently merged with M. Therefore, the language
11. Ardhamāgadhī Reader, B. D. JAIN, P. XI; see also Grammatik, 17
Kalpasutra ed. by H. JACOBI, p. 17.
13. KI, VIII, 5. 99
14. Pkt. langs and their contribution to Indian culture, S. M. KATRE, p. 19
15. Amg. agrees with Asokan Mg. and other Asokan dialects as well. See Studies in Asoka by Dr. A. BANARJI SASTRI, JBORS, Vol. VIII, part II, 1922, pp. 75-82.
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