[१३. ६ - १३. ६.
वर्णानां विकारलोपागमाश्च स्युः । बहुलमित्येव । - 'एशे मणशे कइणो शलिश्चे' [ = 'एषः मनुष्यः कपः सदृशः ] ।- 'कामेण डज्झदि खु मे हडके तवश्शी' [ = कामेन दह्यते खलु मे हृदयं तपस्वि, Mr. I. 18] || --- 'विन्भीशणे पुलिशे' [ = विभीषणः पुरुषः ] । बाहुल्यात् पक्षे मणुश्शे, हडक्के, विभीशणे ॥ १३. ७. सुप्तिविभक्तिलिङ्गव्यत्यासाः स्वरविकर्षश्च । स्युः । क्रमेण यथा- 'तुमं पंगणं श्चिण्ट, हक्के घलेण पइशामि' [ = त्वं प्राङ्गणे तिष्ठ, अहं गृहं प्रविशामि] । 'शे वि' आअश्छंति, तुमं पि आअश्छामि, हके वि आअश्छसि' [ = सः अपि आगच्छति, त्वमपि आगच्छसि, अहमपि आगच्छामि ] ।' शब्वे महिला पुलिशे विअ कीलिदं, इश्थिका हशिदे' [ = सर्वाः महिलाः पुरुषाः इव कीलिताः, स्त्री हसिता] । शइलिणी, मिअइंदो, अश्काउहिणी । बहुलानुवृत्तेः पंगणे, घलं इत्यादयोऽपि. यथायथं स्युः ॥
8 U मणुश्शे; G मणुश्च ; I0 मणुश; any of these, if accepted, the rule will not be justified ; so the reading of B is preferred..
9 UG पुलिश्शे; IO पुलिशे. 10 Mss. add this, but B om.; similarly B adds get which Mss. om.; again Mss. read gicat in place of मणुश्शे which is evidently faulty. 11 B विहीशण ; em. acco-. rding to Mss. The form विभासण is allowed in Pkt. Cf. R. IV. 55.
12 B पट्टणं; em. according to UGIO which are very clear in. this respect. 13 GIO ; U agrees with B. 14 Mss. 37167;. Bत्ति कीलिदं: Mss. have the corrupt - reading probably for विअ कीलिदं, बि- and कि- being apparently missed. Em. is mine.
15 B अक्षाहिणी Mss. अश्वा उहिणी. The readings of both of thesesources are evidently faulty, whereas the reading of the Mss. approaches the correct reading. The reading as suggested by me abovemust be the original reading. To ascertain this, see Mk. XII. 4.
16 This sent. actually belonging to Sū. 7. occurs in the comm. of Sū, 9 in the Mss. as well as in B, thus giving rise to serious confusion with regard to the understanding of the text. B puts a'?" after su and so there. This reconstruction of the text by me removes the anomaly and justifies the use of doi previously whicha is misread as gut by B.
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