Mārkandeya, his Date, Place and Works.
1. Mārkandeya (Mk ), the author of PräkrtaSarvasvam ( PS ), flourished during the reign of one Mukundadeva whom he mentions in his work to be a hero, ruling Utkala, the ancient name of Orissa. According to the author, this king was ruling the country even as did Raghupati( Rāma ) his kingdom in Ayodhyā. He was also the vanquisher of all his enemies. Moreover, the author mentions in the same verse that he completed his work in the village Vīrapratāpapura (lit., the village of the great heroic king Pratāpa ). In the colopbon of the work, the verse referred to runs thus:
श्रीमद्वीरमुकुन्ददेवनृपतौ दोःस्तम्भकुम्भीनस
क्रीडाग्रस्तसमस्तशात्रवकुलप्राणानिले धर्मतः । शासत्युत्कलमेदिनी रघुपतौ साक्षादयोध्यामिव
ग्रामे वीरवरप्रतापनृपतेः पूर्णो निबन्धो नवः ॥ The village Virapratāpapura is still called as such and is situated a few miles away from Puri. This is one of the most famous Sāśapas around Puri which were donated to Brahmins as a mark of respect by the different Gajapati Kings of Orissa in different times. If this existing village known as Vīra-Pratāpapura Sāsana be taken as the author's home-place which is evidently
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