ruci's Prākrtaprakāśa, which is known by the name of Prākrtasamjivanī.11 Of course Mk has cited the view of this author by name only once:
ale FE FÜHTET spa ang z eta 1.........
77277 THETF: (VII. 34 ) Vasantarāja in fact reads graFIT ( Vas. VII. 11 ) for FHT FAT31: (Bhām. VIII. 14 ) and the alternative forms of qa as attributed to Vasantarāja by Mk in the above Sū. are yet to be traced.” Even then Mk owes a great deal to Vasantarāja, a clear proof of which is borde out by a comparison of the Sūs. with those given by Vasantarāja. Since the commentary of Vasantarāja is confined only to the principal Prākrits, i.e., Mahāraştrī section of PPK, we shall have to find comparison of Mk's Sūs with those of Vasanta rāja only in the first eight chapters of PS. In this connection the following concordances may be noted.
The following Sūs. of Vararuci not noticed by Bhāmaha ( see Bhāmaha-Cowell edition ) but commented upon by Vasantarāja find place in PS.
Vas. 1. 17 ya gari faqatata..
... 4. 3 and lea: ( after Bhām. 1. 17 ) 3. 47 114x (after Bhām. 3. 47)
. 3. 63
4. 10
at 6: (after Bhām. 4. 8)
4. 16
11. The Prākrtaprakāśa of Vararuci with Sanjivani of Vasantarāja and the Subodhinī of Sadānanda ed. with Intro. by BATU. KANATHA ŚARMA and BALDEVA UPADHYAYA, Benares, 1927.
12. See also a similar treatment of y by Rt (1. 8. 5.) and criticism of Nitti, Les Gram. p. 96.
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