Text Society, in 1965, but he wrote to me to say that no Mss. of the Gaüdavaho were to be had. I got hold of two Mss from the Bhandarkar Oriental Institute and both Dr. Upadhye and I examined them thoroughly, only to find that they were among the four Mss already used by Pandit for his own Text. We, therefore, decided that the Prakrit Text of the Gaüdavaho, as given by Pandit, should be fully utilised for my edition, with a few orthographical changes, such as the dropping of the Ya-śruti, ‘Na' to be invariably changed to ' Ņa' and the semicircular sign (°) to indicate the shortness of vowels of letters ending in *O'(317) to be replaced by an inverted sign . There is no unanimity among the editors of the Prakrit texts as to whether enclitics like pi, vi, ccia, ccea, jeva etc. are to be spaced off from, or joined to-gether, with the previous words. In the present Text, generally, they are joined to-gether. The additional Gāthās given at the end by Pandit in his edition as an Appendix have been incorporated in the body of my Text. No translation of them, however, has been attempted. The Sanskrit construction or the Chāyā word for word, in the order of the Prakrit Text has been given for every Gāthā on the same page as that of its Text. The English Translation, which follows afterwards, is almost literal, as far as possible and difficult Prakrit words have been noted in italics therein within brackets. Notes have been added after the Translation only for such Gāthās as were considered difficult to comprehend even with the aid of the Translation and, wherever necessary, extracts from the Commentary of Haripāla have been given in the Notes for elucidating the central ideas of the Gāthās. The Appendices contain an extract from the Rājatarangiņi, describing the campaign of Lalitāditya, Yasovarman as a Poet, Verses attributed to Vākpatirāja in Anthologies, and a note on the commentator Haripāla. In the Glossary, only such words, as would be found difficult to understand, are noted with their meanings in English and the Introduction deals with all pertinent topics regarding the Gaüdavaho proper.
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