and dedication of executives, supervisors and workers. Inspite of glaring scientific facts and relentless efforts of rationalists the useless, harmful and wasteful occult practices are continuing all over the world even in most advanced and developed countries. It is a pity that highly educated eminent leaders, judges, policemen and even scientists of repute succumb to superstitious occultism. In spite of the Act of Indian Parliament 1954 prohibiting practice of curing of diseases by occult practices and doubtful medicines such practices are rampant in every nook and corner of the country. There are superstitious beliefs that some part or whole of animals cure diseases or are aphrodiasic and wild animals tigers, rhinos, sharks, dolphins etc. are being killed in large numbers. In last few decades there is mushroom growth of yoga teachers who misguide gullible people and do more harm than good. “Yoga' is an elaborate process starting from ‘Yam', 'Niyam' i.e. adherence to vows of non-violance, truth, non-stealing, nonacquisition and celibacy and also prescribed code of conduct but these preliminary essentials are completely ignored and pseudo teachers start teaching 'Asnas' i.e. postures and “pranayam' i.e. breathing exercise which may cause harm if vows and rules are not followed and air is polluted which is generally the case.
There are persons, teachers and students of science who manipulate and get conferred title of environmentalists by their own group of people while subscribing to superstitious beliefs of asking boons from idols of their preferred deities and even take silly vows like travelling a few miles bare foot to pay obeisance or offerings of sweets, ornaments if their wishes for awards or other material benefits get materialised. Pseudo environmentalists even indulge in irrational rituals of “Havan" i.e. burning wood, butter, grains etc. which could otherwise be better utilised. Burning of anything even butter and aromatic substances also produce CO, CO, SO, NO, etc. and harm environment. The practice of “havan” or “Yagna” sanctified
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