work. Any student if keeps on reciting devotional song or the name of his deity will not get through the examinations unless he reads his course books. Likewise no person will achieve anything unless he makes efforts for it.
Begging from inanimate powerless idols :
It is really amazing that humans though wisest of all living beings, worship and beg from the idol they themselves have made, installed and deified. Thefts of such idols, their valuable ornaments are common. The idols which cannot protect themselves, their own belongings are supposed to protect the devotees, help them get their desires fulfilled. It is a greatest fallacy and contradiction of all logic and wisdom human beings are supposed to have. Idols are only good as objects to help concentration while meditating and to remember ideals, good deeds and preachings of good people whose idols are made. However, devotees do quite opposite not at all intended by the samaritans, philanthropists, brave and benevolent persons whose idols have been deified. They are worshipped only to get boons, fulfill desires without effort. The intelligent crooks taking advantage of the lethargy and the weakness of human psyche to get results without effort, exploited the people. The ideals, efforts, good deeds of iconic persons are not at all imbibed and followed. Human intellect and reasoning has been so much overshadowed by blind irrational faith that the mischievous libidinous persons have successfully introduced pornography and obscene sexuality in many religions, in their literature, art, temples and practices. In one of the sect icon of genitals of man and woman in actual co-opulation is widely worshiped. While sexuality is discouraged in most of the prescribed codes of conduct in scriptures ironically some of the same scriptures contain titillating pornography.
Waste of money on ostentatious rituals :
There are rituals, processions, ceremonies and constructions of places of worship and money in billions and billions is spent
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