birds, insects and micro-organism which work as scavengers in nature by consuming naturally dead bodies, disintegrating all sorts of dead and waste material and converting it into products like manure directly or through their excreta. There is hardly any waste or dirty things left in good forests. There is no problem of waste disposal in these natural conditions. There is no predation of any sort. Even the carnivora like tigers were initially scavengers and consumed only naturally dead bodies which were plentiful when entire earth surface was covered with good forests before the onset of agriculture. It was only when forests and wild animals were destroyed and naturally dead bodies became scarce then these carnivora started killing animals for food. It is well known that when number of wild animals decline then such carnivora kill domestic animals and even become man eaters when extremely hungry or while protecting off-springs or when injured by hunters. It has been observed that wolves, hyaena, jackals and others generally feed on left overs of tigers etc., but when these are not available they too start killing smaller animals and birds and even domestic cattle, sometimes children also. The most significant aspect of forest eco-systems is that populations of all life forms remain optimum according to availability of food. There is no population explosion or increase of any species. The meticulous interactions between the species, their inherent genetic characteristics and the environment are muntually reinforcing. All work and cooperate with each other within optimised capacities. There is no over-exploitation of any one of constituents by another. The renewable natural resources are utilised within their renewable and resilience capacities, reinforced by each other. Forest eco-system ensure symbiotic relationship between members of a species including humans, species to species and other physical constituents of environment. There will be no aberrations. All will co-operate with each other. All life forms will be mutually beneficial including bacteria and viruses which will not mutate to harmful mutations. Human social environment will also be amiable and situations triggering mental disorders,
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