A Hand Book of Jainology
The tendency of time to make things old or new is its quality. The present time, the past time, the time of the sunrise, the noon, the time of childhood, the time of youth are modified forms. According to one opinion, time itself is a modified form.
Modifications are of two kinds : they are : (i) "Vyanjanparyaya" (modification in form) and (ii) "Arthaparyaya" (modifications in state or condition). A pot may have such forms as a large pot, a holy vessel, a pitcher etc. In the same manner, the jiva has vyanjanparyayas such as the jiva, the soul, the consciousness, the life etc.
'Arthaparyaya” means the modifications in state or condition. The ownership of a pot of a potter; the buyer owning it after it is sold, are examples. Compared to a pitcher a pot is large, compared to a drinking pot, a pot is larger, these are examples of modifications in state. Considered from another point of view modifications are of two kinds. They are : (1) Swaparyaya and (2) Paraparyaya. Swaparyaya means being absorbed in or limited to itself. The pot has clay in it. It is absorbed in that clay. It is absorbed totally in that clay. That is its self-modification or swaparyaya. The pot does not belong to the rope. If it is made of a rope, that is an example of paraparyaya or extraneous modification. If the pot is in the house that is a case of self-modification. If the pot is in a lake, that is a case of paraparyaya or extraneous modification.
Question : Paraparyaya or extraneous modification is for the other object. How can it be for the pot ?
Answer : The Paraparyaya (the extraneous modification) is the Swaparyaya (self-modification) for the other object; whereas, it is paraparyaya for the pot. When the swaparyaya is always bound with the pot, then the paraparyaya also is permanently bound to the pot in a different manner. Just as the pot is always considered to be absorbed in clay, it is also said that the pot is not related to the rope and that it is not gold. What belongs to clay ? The pot, What is not gold ? The same pot. The existence of clay is connected with the pot. The non-existence
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