Karma Bandha
2) 5 JATHINAM KARMAS: This karma gives birth to the jiva in the stages from Ekendriya to Panchendriya. It bestows upon the jiva consciousness (chaitanya) which has a limited duration
3) 5 SHARIRNAM KARMAS: « da sfatat" Sharira is that which perishes; which breaks down. The karma that gives sharira is the sharirnamkarma. The Sharira is of 5 kinds. (i) AUDARIK: Udara means that which has been created
out of gross pudgals like the bodies of human beings,
animals and birds. (ii) VAIKRIYA: The body that is capable of various acti
vities like Anu, Mahan, Eka and Aneka. (Atomic, great, one and many) etc. The bodies of the heavenly beings
and those of Naraka are of this kind. (iii) AAHARAK: Great munis who have mastered the
14 poorvas, to clear their doubts approach the Tirthankar Bhagwan. At that time they create a body of the measurement of one hand to send it there. This is called Aaharak
sharir. (iv) TEJAS : This is the collection of Tejas pudgals (fiery
substances) formed to carry out the digestion of food etc. (v) KARMANA SHARIR : The collection of karmas that are
bound to the jiva. 4) ANGOPANG NAM KARMA : On account of its effect the Audarik, the Vaikriya and the Aharak bodies develop head, chest, stomach, seat, hands, two legs, eight organs and subsidiary organs like 'fingers and other parts of the body like (digits). Angopang nam karma does not arise in the lives of the jivas with one sense with the result that they do not have subsidiary organs. Since, branches and leaves etc. have different lives none of them has organs. Sharir nam karma contains within itself Bandan nam karma and the Sanghathan nam karma.
5) BANDAN NAM KARMA: On account of its emergence the new Audarik pudgals which gather in the bouy get stuck as if with wax with the old pudgals.
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