The Sadhaka in this category has one great achievement to his credit. He has annihilated all ignorance and illusions, as also the self-obscuring Karma through direct self-realization. The feeling, therefore, that "I am Atman - the pure knower and the seer -," is not a matter only of faith but also of direct experience. He is delighted, his doubts are dissipated, he is pious and fearless, and he has attained to the state of self-realization which is his ultimate goal and abode of respite.
Though he is rich in several sublime virtues which have helped him in self-realization, he still pursues with due enthusiasm the attainment of omniscience - the highest achievement in the universe. Glimpses of inner divinity are reflected in every aspect of his life but to visualize them, truly, a high state of dispassion or a true inner knowledge conferred by an enlightened preceptor is essential. Such a soul firmly continues to enhance his detachment day-by-day by accomplishing increasing discrimination and dispassion. 3. DETACHMENT OF THE ENLIGHTENED SECLUSIVE SADHAKA
This stage represents the culmination of genuine practice (Sadhana) of detachment. Now that all the attachments to the worldly objects, to the family and even to one's own body have been severed completely, the time is ripe for the Sadhaka to be merged in the practice of transcendental meditation (Nirvikalpa Samadhi).
As an external, concurrent and collaborative means to achieve this end, the Sadhaka should devote to and find more time for silence (Mauna), stay in seclusion and meditation (Dhyana), in deep study and contemplation of the subtle realities, and in adoption of a very simple life. All these constitute the various traits of the Sadhaka of this status. Out of utter compassion, this great man occasionally imparts his sublime teachings in the form of discourses or initiates worthy spiritual seekers in the path of self-control and righteous- ness. Only these supreme Sadhakas, by their own noble and firm efforts, attain to the Supreme State of Self-realization (Omniscience) in due course of time.
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