Shastri silenced all other scholars. Their defeat became a certainty.
When no other way was left, one scholar opened his box of snuff and threw the snuff on the face of Shastriji. Shastriji took out his handkerchief, rubbed his face and said, "This is only a digression, let the discussion continue now."
The whole assembly was stunned. The opposing scholars (Pandits) had expected that Shastriji will get excited and dissolve the assembly. However, he pretended nothing happened and the session continued. The opposing scholars had no courage to continue the discourses and discussion further. They all fell ashamed at the feet of Shastriji and begged his pardon.
We learn from this event of the life of Shastriji that great achievements are possible if we can cultivate the spirit of tolerance. (2) Shri Ganeshprasad Varni, a famous Jain saint, lived about eighty years ago. In the first stage of his religious life, he had decided to travel to Jaipur on a pilgrimage. From Lalitpur in Jhansi district, he proceeded towards Khurai via Sonagiri. When he went beyond Sonagiri, he had with him very little money, one water pot, a small piece of clothyu and some clothes on his body. As he reached Datia, he was left with absolutely no money. For two days he lived on rice and last day he had no money for even that. He approached a shop-keeper and requested, "Well friend ! I would like to sell this umbrella.
The shop-keeper said, "I hope it is not a stolen one."
Varniji was dumb-founded and tears rolled down his eyes. The shop-keeper showed no sympathy and said : "This is the price of your umbrella. After deducting for rice, you get this amount back."
Varniji pleaded, "Well friend ! The umbrella is new. Please pay something more !"
The shop-keeper replied: "Take the amount or else go ahead !" He was thus left with a small change (six Annas). Varniji lived on rice for several days and took cooked food only when he came across a householder (Shravaka) whom he knew and completed the pilgrimage.
Every great man attains to the highest status only after gradually passing through such tough tests and with the power of Sadhana of the self (Atmasadhana).
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