Haribhadra and Psychosynthesis
and detaches the self from the knot of Asmitā. As these two processes are taken up at a time the combined process becomes even stronger and the Self-stabilization is bastened. But it is advisable to start with the first process only because it creates a basis for self-knowledge and as SelfStability increases a detachment with the not-Self results. Unless there is Self-stabilization by Svārthasamyama there is a danger of subtle ego taking place of the Self. In that case the usurping subtle ego would play havoc. The real test of this process is that the power of Pratibha or Prajña is gained by the Sadhaka As soon as he gains the steady Prajñā be can start with the process of Anyat ākhyāti. Thereby the Sadhaka gains Omnipoteoce, Omoiscience and Omnipresence. But even this is not the goal, Unless he stabilizes in this detached state or the transcendental state of the Self, he is liable to fall a victim to temptations. These temptations are very subtle and they come in the form of Siddhis. Psychic powers are a proven fact today and Parapsychology has proved their existence beyond doubt. Telepathy, Clairvoyance and such extra-sensory powers are proved by modern Parapsychological methods. But the Sadhaka has not to fall a victim to them. He must eschew and remain steadfast in the detached and transcendental state of Supra-consciousness. Though Patañjali bas forbidden the use of parapsychological powers some saints and mystics have been found to have used them for the benefit of humanity on some occassions and that too only for service motive. In the Sadhanā stage it must be completely eschewed. By such abondonment of the psychic powers and samyama on the flow of particles of time, the sādhaka achieves Vivekakhyāti or complete discrimination of the highest sort, By Such discrimination he can know and perceive anything in the universe and would never fall a prey to any temptations. By stabilization of self in such a highest egoless stage, the goal is realized and the sattva becomes as pure as consciousness itself, This is Kaivalya and the Soul stands supreme in his own glory, Haribhadra includes these stages in his concept of Kaivalya.
At this stage comes in the philosophical difference between Sāmkhya and Vedanta and we have opted for Vedānta doctrine, It lays down that the Sattva or the Citisakti merges in the suprenie consciousness along with the self, Our integral Darśana also supports this view and thereby this last process is called the Prati-Prasava Kaivalya. According to Sänkhya the self stands alone in its Supreme glory in this last process, and Sattva merges in Praksti, But according to our integral Darśapa, Citisakti along with the self merges in the Supreme Consciousness,
y View and Review at a Glance Thus the whole arena of the Yogic Psychosynt besis is viewed with empathy. Therein are covered as many important topics as are possible
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