taken the vow of not moving upward, he cannot climb a tree or mountain. He cannot travel by air also. Any upward movement beyond his own limit will amount to transgression. ii) Going deeper into the ground than the determined limits (adho-dikpramāṇātikrama). If one has set the limits to the surface of the ground, he can neither descend into a well nor into a grain pit or mines. ii) Travelling in any of the eight directions beyond the limits (tiryag-dig-pramāņātikrama). The limits may be fixed by well-known boundaries like rivers and mountains or by distances in terms of yojanas or miles or other measure. If the transgression is deliberate, it is called a breach of the vow (bhanga); if it is through forgetfulness or ignorance, it is only a transgression. iv) The fourth kind of transgression consists in extending the limits (kşetra-vȚddhi). This refers to any attempt to evade or cross the limits either as a matter of convenience or forgetfulness. Crossing the limits through forgetfulness (smsti-antardhāna).
ii) Apartba-danda Vrata
This is the second vow amongst the guņavratas. It means abstinence from commission of any sin in mind, by speech or conduct within the limits of the directions set up by oneself without any justification. Having once determined the limits under the dig-vrata, it is not correct to commit any act that is sinful. One should abstain from all such acts that will not advance the cause of religion. It prohibits accumulation of all accessories of violence and means of injury. One should neither keep birds and animals like cocks, hawks, cats, vicious elephants, nor means of injury like poisons, spears, arms etc. One should desist from sinful gossips, evil thoughts and sports involving injury or loss of life.
Samantabhadra says that there are five kinds of Anarthadaņda : i) pāpopadeśa consists in giving such advice as will result in sinful activities such as will cause pain or suffering to animals and birds, or in carrying on their trade. Advice to beat animals or birds, or tie them down to a particular place or overload them or cut thir limbs or engage the birds will amount to this sin. No, advice which stimulates others to pursue harmful
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