old philosophic dogmas, that they stood for simplicity of worship and that Jainism constituted a reformatory movement in Brahmanism.10 The popular impression is that Jaipism is a religion of those who revolted against animai sacrifices of the Hindus.
A solution to this question is to be found on the strength of the fundamental distinctions between the philosophical and metaphysical concepts of the two religions. The Vedas which are supposed to be of divine origin, contain verses primarily in adoration of the three gods : Sürya, Ipdra and Agni. These are the most prominent, dieties of the Vedic age. Varuņa was regarded as guarding the cosmic order, omnipresent, and as punishing people for their sins. Sacrifice was the most vital method of worship. Its primary object was the gratification of gods to obtain their grace. Later on during the period of the Brāhmaṇas came Brahmā, Vişņu and Mahesa. It was during the period of the Upanishads that the doctrines of transmigration and Karman became popular. They recognised Brahman as the Ātman to be realized in order to be free from transmigration. Man becomes free from the joys and sorrows when be reaches the stage of Brahman. «The identity of the souls of the individuals and the universe is reiterated throughout the Upanishadic literature, with varying emphasis, and with differing interpretations of the nature of identity and the character of the universal soul. "Tattvamasi" 'you (the individual) are that universal essence',, is the leading theme of the Upanishads.
These fundamental principles of the Hindu religion have very little in common with Jainism. Mrs. N. R. Guseva has noted the points of difference between the two religions : “There are at least eight features which distinguish Jainism from Vedic religion and Brahmanism. Those features are so much substantial that they do not afford any possibility of regarding Jainism as a sect of Brābmanism or its some other product. These features can be reduced to the following: (1) Jainism rejects holiness of Veda. (2) Stands against the dogma that
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