activities, all these words are the names of the same person, the husband of śaci. If different meanings are attached to these from the point of view of their etymological meanings, the same may be done with regard to the synonyms of sensory cognition. The meaning intended is that these do not transgress the range of consciousness arising from the cause of destruction-cum-subsidence of karmas obscuring sensory knowledge. The term iti indicates the varieties or species. These are the synonyms or names of sensory cognition. Those denoted by these names are the same. What is the cause of that? तदिन्द्रियानिन्द्रियनिमित्तम
Il 9811 Tadindriyānindriyanimittam 14. That is caused by the senses and the mind.
'Indatiti Indra' is the derivation. He who is invested with lordship and wealth is Indra. Here the word means the self. The self is of the nature of knowledge. When there is the destruction-cum-subsidence of karmas obscuring knowledge, the self by itself is unable to know the objects. And that which acts as the instrument of knowledge for the self is the sense-organ (indriya). Or that, which causes the knowledge of hidden objects, is lingam (sign). That, which promotes the knowledge of the existence of the soul which is subtle, is the sense. For instance, smoke is the cause of the knowledge of fire. Similarly, the senses such as touch etc. cannot exist without the soul. Hence by means of these the existence of the soul is inferred. Or Indra is the word denoting name karma. That which is built by it is the sense (indriya). The senses of touch etc. are described later.
Anindriya, mana, antaḥkaraņa are synonyms. Anindriya is the negation of sense (indriya). How then can it be used to denote the mind which is also a sign of the soul? The negative sign ‘a' is used in the sense of slight or a little. A quasisense is called anindriya. For instance there is the usage anudarākanyā.1 How is the meaning of slight applied in the case
1 Anudarā literally means without a stomach. But the phrase denotes a girl with a narrow waist.
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