THOUGHT-COMPLEXIONS OF HEAVENLY BEINGS 119 the rest (Anultaravimānas) one oubit. Highor and higher up the attachment relating to habitation, dress, retinue, and Pobsessions is less and less. Similarly, higher and higher up pride also is less and less, as the passions grow less and loss.
The rule concerning the thought-colouration of the first three orders has been mentioned earlier. Now the rule concerning that of the fourth order is given below. पीतपशुक्ललेश्या द्वित्रिशेषेषु
A R $ Pitapadmasuklaleśyā dvitriseşeşu (22) 22. In two, three and the rest (they are of) yellow, rose (pink) and white thought-complexions.
Yellow and pink and white are yellow, pitk and white. Those who have yellow, pink and white complexions are called yellow, pink and white complexions. How are the last squnds of pitā, padmā and buklā made short in the sutra ? This takes place according to the rule of autlarapadikam. According to this rule, madhyamā becomes shortened to madhyama in "drutāyām taparakarane madhyamavilambitayorupasamkhyānam." Otherwise pita and padma and Sukla are coloured objects. Those who have thought-complexions like these are pilapadmaśuklaleśyāḥ.
Now what complexion is for whom? Saudharama and Aiśāna devas are coloured by yellow thought-complexion. Sanatkumāra and Mahendra devas are coloured by yellow and pink thought-complexions. Those in Brahma, Brahmottara, Lāntava and Kāpiştha Kalpas are actuated by pink thought-complexion. The devas in Sukra, Mahaśukra, Satara and Sahasrāra Kalpas are actuated by pink and white thought-oomplexions, and those from Anata onwards by white thought-complexion. Even here the devas in Anudißa and Anuttara Vimānas are gotuated by pure white thought-complexion. Now, the mixing up of two
1 Auttara padikam is a compound in which the sense of the last member is the chief one. In such compounds the end-vowels of all the words but the last one become short, by the words taking their corresponding masculine forms. For instance, drutā madhyamā vilambitā mālrāh become drutamadhyamavilambita mālrāh (mātra: a, prosodial instant; a measure of time in music). Similarly, the end-vowels of pita, padma, and sukla become shortened in the compound pitapadmaśuklaleśyāḥ.
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