The Oldest Living Religion
another, simple fact shows that Jaina philosophy is as old as Hindu philosophy. It is a feature of the early epoch of the development of metaphysics that the category of quality is not defined. For instance, in Vedanta Brahma is not said to possess 'existence, intellect and joy' (Sat, Cit, Ananda) as qualities of his nature, but he is existence, he is intellect, he is joy itself (Saccidananda). Similar is the case in the Jaina metaphysics. It treats merit and demerit (Dharma and Adharma) as sub. stratum rather than as qualities as substances with which the soul comes into contact. Yet another fact is its hero-worship, the worship as deity of perfected mortals. And such worship is characteristic of all primitive religions. Lastly there is its animistic belief, again a primitive notion",2
In fact, as Dr. Edward Thomas, speaking about the simplicity and hence higher antiquity of Jainism, remarks, "The more simple faith perse must be primarily accepted as the predecessor of the more complicated." And "What more simple" asks Major Gen. Forlong "can there be than Jainism, be it in worship, in rituals or in morals".4
Reviewing the whole situation, Prof. M. S. Ramaswami Ayengar may be quoted, who says, "For a scientific student of early Indian History, the history of the Jainas begins from the time of Mahavira who is supposed to be the founder of Jainism. This conception regarding the origin of the faith has unfortunately led scholars to believe that Jaina tradition and literature are unreliable and useless for reconstruction of history. The less well informed amongst them went so far as to say that Jainism was an offshoot of Buddhism,simply because certain details in the lives of Mahavira and the Buddha are coincidental. Nor was Dr. Hoernle, perhaps the most well meaning amongst the writers on the subject, any nearer the truth when he said that neither of the sects could lay claim to
1 Carlyle's 'Heroes and Hero-worship'.
2 Jain Gazette, 1906.
3 Early faith of Asoka, p. 5-6.
4 Short Studies in the Sc. of comp. Religion.
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