The Yoga Vāśistha Rāmāyaṇa, the authorship of which is ascribed by some to sage Vasistha, the family priest of Ramacandra and by others to Vālmiki, mentions that 'Rāma longed to become like a Jina). Even the Vālmīki Rāmāyana, which like the Mahābhārata was a product of the age of Brāhmanic revival and in the same manner truely represents, the highly prejudical and communal spirit of the revivalists, and which studiously avoided making any reference to Jainism or the Jainas did slip up in certain places. For example, it mentions that King Dasaratha, the father of Fāma had entertained the śramanas, 2 which according to Bhūşana's. commentary, were the Digambara Jaina ascetics.S
Thus there remains no doubt that in the time of Rāma Jainism existed and Lord Munisuvrata Nātha, the 20th Tirthankara of the Jainas, who was a prince of Rājagsha and a senior contemporary of Rāma was as real a person as Kāma himself.
Moreover, it was in the times of Munisuvrata that a hot discussion was held at the court of king Vasu Caidyoparicara as to whether animals or vegetable products are to be sacrificed in the Vedic Yajñas. King Vasu, however, gave his verdict in favour of animal sacrifice and since then the horrible practice commenced. This story of Vasu is practically identical in both the Jaina and Brāhmanical traditions, which is a proof of its veracity,5
1 Yoga Vāśistha-Yoga Vairāgya Prakaraṇa, Ch. 15. V. 8, p. 3. In this ancient work there are several other references to Jainism and its doctrines (in 3, 3, 49-50; 4, 22, 0; and Pt. II, 6, 173,-4). Also see Satyārtha Darpana, p. 90.
2 Fāmāyana Eālakānda-XIV, 12.
3 ‘Jainism: by V. K. Mukerji; Bhagavān Pārsvanātha, P. 24.
4 Pauma Cariu, Padma Purāņa, Uttara Purāņa, Munisuvrata Purāņa etc.
5 The story occurs in the Mahābhārata, and is also hinted at in the Buddhist Suttanipāta. The Jaina version is available in the Jaina Harivamsa Purāna, XIII, 1, p. 13.
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