198 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE JAINAS the friend, and it is harmful to him; hence there is breach.
As already mentioned under vow No. 1 these vows are taken internally and externally, and if the action falls short of the external breach but does not fall short of the internal breach, then it is called a partial transgression or aticāra, because the internal part is transgressed. And in the foregoing illustrations the fact that the internal part is transgressed is to be seen in the fact of the rashness and injury that accompany the action; these vows are undertakings to exercise self-control and to refrain from injuring others and when there is rashness or carelessness and injury in an action then the vow is not fully carried out. And because there is both rashness (or carelessness) and injury to others the above mentioned illustrations are aticāras, even if the actual words spoken are true. Fruits
The fruits that you reap by observing this vow are : 1. People trust you; it creates trustworthiness.
2. You accomplish your best objects; otherwise, you try to do something and fail.
3. Your words become fruitful and do not go in vain. You are liked by the people.
And then there are results which come in the future life much the same as in the first vrata. Four Primary Stages of Mithyātva
Some further details about mithyātva. There are four primary stages of mithyātva, namely :
1. Pradeśa-mithyātva : those karmic atoms which remain in the state of sattā (dormancy) assimilated with the soul. There are seven divisions of this, namely,
Mithyātva mohanīya karma Miśra mohanīya karma Samyaktva mohaiya karma Anantānubandhi krodha Anantānubandhi māna Anantānubandhi māyā Anantanubandhi lobha
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