The Self Realization
The six truths mentioned above also include a critical appreciation of the Six Systems of philosophy. These truths have been discussed by the wise purely for explaining the nature of ultimate Reality.
These six truths provide the field for the cultivation and stabilization of Right Faith in reality. Myopic adherents of the Six Systems emphasise their doctrinal differences and result in mutual quarrelling and fighting. Here in Atma-Siddhi, on the other hand the fundamental point of all the Six Systems, namely the nature of the Self, is clearly discussed for the benefit of the seekers of the Self. This book dispels the doubts of the Buddhists who either believe that there is no Self at all or that if there is one then it is only a momentary Self. It argues successfully that there is not only a Self but that it is a permanent Self and that there are infinite permanent Selves. To the adherents of the Samkhya System which admits of a Self which is totally inactive and yet the enjoyer of all activities of Prakriti, this book replies that there cannot be enjoyment or suffering without activity. One who does not act at all has nothing to enjoy or suffer from. An inactive Self cannot be held responsible for activities of Prakriti. Therefore the book advises to take hint from normal experience and admit that the Self does actions and therefore it enjoys or suffers from the fruits thereof. To the Vedantins, who hold that the Self neither does anything nor it has to enjoy or suffer from actions, the book replies that the Self does actions and therefore it cannot escape the results of the actions. To other Vedantins, who say that the Self was never bound and so no question of its achieving Liberation, the book replies that since the Self is attached to actions from endless past non-attachment from them
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