The Self Realization
right preceptor and he clearly sees unprecedented virtuous qualities in the Sadguru and thereby all other unthinking or ignorant behaviour remains no more and his self-knowledge immediately shines out and knowing this, the high type of devotion is advised by the great saints. Therefore my repeated salutations for all time to such devotion and to the advisors of such devotion, namely the great saints !
Though manifestly there is no happening or existence of absolute knowledge or kevala Jnana in the present time, but by thinking of whose teaching and whose power, I have clearly known that there is absolute knowledge and in the form of deep faith and in the form of deep thinking, I have experienced absolute knowledge, or in the form of desire I have experienced absolute knowledge, and froin the purpose of main Naya (Mukhya Naya = fundamental point of view. I find absolute knowledge prevailing in me - that absolute knowledge manifests all unobstructed happiness, and by whose contact instantaneously this Jiva became fit for self - realization, my salutations and salutations with all highest devotion, to the obligation of that great saint - all knowing Bhagawan Mahavira !
Bombay Falguna, 1950
Shreemad Rajachandra
Jain Education International
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