Sakalādeśa A synthetic used for covering. statement, a complete judg- Sanghāta Union, fusion, ment.
association, combination. Sakāmamaraṇa voluntary Sanghātana Same as death, wise death.
Sanghāta. Sankara Confusion, mixture.
Sacitta Having life, living. Sankalana Synthetic Sacittaniksepa Placing a thing judgment.
on what possesses life. Sankalpa Intention.
Sacittapidhāna Covering a Sankramaņa transformation. thing by what possesses life. Sanklişta Malevolent. Sacittapratibaddha Same as Sankhadi Feast.
Sacittasambaddha. Sankhya Numerable.
Sacittasambaddha Athing Sankhyādattika An ascetic
connected with what possesses
life. who accepts food according to a number of Dattis.
Sacittasammiśra A thing Sankhyeya Same as
mixed with what possesses life. Sankhya.
Sacittāhāra Food having life. Sanga Attachment; bondage.
Sacela One wearing garments. Sangrahanaya Generic
Sacelaka Same as Sacela. viewpoint.
Sajīva Living Sangrahanayābhāsa Fallacy Sajvalana Angry. of the generic viewpoint. Sañjñā Instinct, desire; Sangha A religious order, an recognition; rationality, reason. order of monks, nuns, laymen Sañjñākṣara The script or and laywomen, church.
alphabet. Sanghatta Touch.
Sañiñin A rational being. Sangharșa Sound produced
Sañjvalana A group of by rubbing
passions preventing perfect Sanghățaka A group. conduct. Sanghāți An upper garment Sat Existent, being, real, true;
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