Prāņa A vitality, a life- deserves the vow of accepting principle, a vital element, life; remnants of coarse or dry food. out-breath, exhalation; a Prāntajivin One who lives on measure of time equal to coarse or dry food. breath.
Prāntāhāra Coarse or dry Prānavadha Destruction of food; remnants of food. life, severance of a vitality. Prāpyakāritā Coming in close Prāņavyaparopaņa Identical contact. with Prāņavadha.
Prābhrta A chapter; a quarrel; Prānātipāta Injury to vitality, a present. destruction of life, killing, Prābhrtaprābhịta A subviolence.
chapter. Prāņātipātaviramaņa Non
no Prābhștikā A fault incurred by violence, non-killing, non
" offering food etc. to an ascetic injury, abstinence from
as a gift. violence, refraining from killing or injuring.
"Prāmānya Validity. Prānin A sentient being a Prämitya Borrowing for an living being, an animate being.
ascetic. Prātihārika Returnable.
Prāyaścitta An expiation, an
atonement. Prātihārya A majestic occurrence, a miraculous
Prāyogya Reduction of karmic
effect. happening. Prātītyikī A sin owing to
to Prāvacanika A preceptor wellexternal things.
versed in scriptures. Prāduskarana A fault Prāśnika An ascetic who tells incurred by giving food to an the good or evil result of a ascetic by lighting a lamp. question.
adverika A sin incurred by Prāsuka Lifeless. jealousy.
Prekşā Reflection; inspection. Prāntakula A low family. Preyas Attachment. Prāntacaraka An ascetic who Preșyaparityāga A vow in
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