Parivartană Revision, affliction. repetition.
Parīşahajaya Conquest of Parivartaparihāra Entering troubles, endurance of another's dead body.
afflictions. Parivartita A fault connected Parokșa Indirect knowledge, with giving of food etc. to an non-perceptual cognition, ascetic after changing or mediate knowledge. exchanging
Paryava Same as Paryāya. Parivāda Blame, accusation, Paryāpta Identical with censure.
Paryāptaka. Parişthāpana Abandoning or Paryāptaka A developed living throwing with care.
being. Parisarpa A reptile. Paryāptanāman A kind of Parisrava The cause of body-making karma by the rise destroying karmas, des- of which a living being gets a truction of bondage. developed body. Pariharaṇa Using, utilising. Paryāpti Full development, Parihāraviśuddhi Purity completion. attained by a particular Paryāya A mode, a condition, penance lasting for eighteen a form, a state. months, an expiatory catharsis. Paryāyajyestha Senior in Parita Numerable, limited; initiation. separate, independent; little, Paryāyasthavira An ascetic small.
after twenty years of Parītakāya One body with consecration. one soul.
Paryāyārthika Modal, partiParītajīva A soul with a cular, specific. separate body.
Paryāyārthikanaya Modal Paritasamsărin One who has standpoint, particular viewpoint. to wander in this world for a Paryāyāstika Same as short time.
Paryāyārthika. Parīşaha A trouble, an Paryāvasatha A monastery.
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