relatively. Ogha General, ordinary; Kanakāvali An austerity worldly stream.
which, when graphically Oghadrsti Commonplace represented by the units of fasts attitude.
of which it consists, assumes Oghasañjñā Instinct.
the shape of a gold necklace.
Kanda A bulb, a bulbous root, Au :
a bulbous vegetation. Aughika General, common.
Kandamūla A bulb and a root. Autpattiki Instantaneous.
Kandarpa An amorous talk. Audayika Emerging due to
Kanyālīka A lie spoken for the rise of karma.
one's daughter. Audārika Gross body etc.
Kamadhaka A dining bowl of Auddeśika A sin incurred by a an ascetic by accepting the
Kambala A blanket. food etc. specially prepared for them.
Karana . An instrument, a
an action, a Aupapātika A celestial or means;
performance; a sense-organ; an infernal being.
astrological division of day; Aupapādika Same as
mental modification, thoughtAupapātika.
activity; a secondary vow or Aupaśamika Emerging due to virtue. the subsidence of karma.
Karuņā Compassion, mercy. K
Karoţika An ascetic carrying a Katibandhana A cloth for the garland of human skulls. waist.
Karkasā Acute pain. Kațuka Bitter taste.
Karmaja Karmic body etc. Kațhina Hard touch.
Karmajā Developed by Kathaka A professional story- practical experience. teller.
Karman Fine particles of Kathañcit In some way, from matter binding the soul; action a particular point of view, or activity; occupation.
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