Ādhākarman A sin incurred Āmarsaușadhi Power to cure by an ascetic by accepting the diseases by mere touch of the food etc. specially prepared hand. for him.
Āmoşaka A thief. Ānaprāna Respiration. Āmnāya Repetition, revision. Ānayanaprayoga Asking Āyatasarsthāna Long somebody to bring something configuration. from outside the limits. Avatārtha Emancipation. Anukampika Compassionate. Āvägapata A votive slab. Anupūrvi A variety of body
Y. Āyāmaviskambha Length and making karma by the rise of
breadth. which a soul transmigrates from one state of existence to
Āyuktată Carefulness, another.
attentiveness. Antādin An ascetic eating
Āyuşkarman Longevityinferior kind of food.
determining karma, karma
which confers on a living being Aprccha Same as
a certain quantum of life. Aprcchanā.
Ārabhatā Hasty inspection of Āpta Free from passions,
clothes. omniscient, reliable.
Ārambha Sinful operation, Ābhinibodhika Sensory - cum- mental knowledge.
Ārā A spoke of wheel; an era, Ābhoga Knowledge, a div
C, a division of time. consciousness.
Ārādhaka One who devotes Ābhoganatā Reflection,
etion, himself to asceticism. thought.
Aropaņā Addition of another Ābhogabakusa An ascetic
expiation to the former one. consciously incurring sin.
Āroha The height of a body Āma Raw, unripe, uncooked.
Ārohapariņāha The length of Āmaka A thing having life.
the outstretched arms being Āmagandha A fault, a sin. equal to the height of the body.
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