Asatkriyā A sinful action. Asiddhi Non-salvation. Asattva Non-existence. Astikāya An extensive Asatya False, falsehood or lie; substance. futile.
Astivāda The doctrine Asatyamrşā Neither true nor accepting the existence of false.
· realities like soul, matter, karma Asadārambha An evil etc. activity.
Asteya Non-stealing. Asadgraha Perverseness. Asthitakalpa Flexible rules of
conduct. Asadbhāva Non-existence. Asadvedya Same as Asi
Asthiranāman A variety of Asātāvedanīya.
body-making karma by the rise
of which a living being gets an Asabhya Impolite, abusive.
unfirm body. Asamañjasa Improper, Ahimsā Non-injury, nonungraceful.
killing, non-violence, nonAsamādhi Distraction of har mind, lack of concentration. Ahorātra A day and night. Asamiti Carelessness.
Ā Asambaddha Detac disconnected. Asamyaktva Absence of right
Ākāśāstikāya An extensive
substance in the form of space. belief, wrong faith.
Ākiñcanya Non-attachment, Asātā Pain.
non-possession. Asātāvedanīya A variety of
Akīrṇa A horse of good breed; feeling-producing karma
modest. which causes pain.
Ākuti Killing, injuring, Asāvadya Sinless.
hurting. Asiddha A worldly soul.
Aksepaņi A kind of religious Asiddhahetu Non-existent
story which attracts the hearer probans.
to the truth.
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