Agītārtha Ignorant of scrip- an ascetic by praising the detures.
liciousness of food. Agupta Not free from sin Angārakarman Livelihood arising from mind, speech from charcoal. and body.
Angula A measure equal to Agurulaghu Anything nei- the twelfth part of a span. ther heavy nor light; a vari- Angulaprthaktva A measure ety of body-making karma by from two to nine Angulas. the rise of which the soul ac- Angopānga A species of quires a body which is nei- body-making karma by the ther heavy nor light. rise of which are produced Agnikāya Fire-bodied souls. limbs and sub-limbs. Agnija A disease by which Acakşurdarśana : Apprehenall the food one takes is burnt sion by the mind as well as the away without appeasing hun- sense-organs other than the ger.
eye. Agrantha An ascetic having Acakşurdarśanāvarana A no possession.
kind of apprehension-obscurAgrapinda A portion of food ing karma by the rise of which set apart for mendicants etc. one cannot have apprehension Aghātikarman A kind of derived through the mind as karma which does not ob- well as the sense-organs other struct the qualities of soul than the eye. Ankusa A fault of obeisance. Acara Immobile beings. Anga A basic canonical text. Acitta An inanimate thing. Angapravişta Canonical Acittāhāra Food without life. texts included in the Anga Acetana Lifeless, inanimate, group.
insentient. Angabāhya Canonical texts" Acela Same as Acelaka. excluding the Anga works. Acelaka one wearing no garAngavidyā A science pre- ments. dicting events from the throb- Acuurya Non-stealing, nonbing etc. of limbs.
theft. Angāra A fault incurred by Acchando Dependent on others.
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