(active energetic and dynamic), which accounts for Kārmic Energy, Power, Sound and other Forces.
Countless number of such 'Vyavahārika Paramāņus' are equal to one Utólaksanikā and in ascending stages upto one 'Ratharēnu'. There are several steps in between but for easy calculations 32768 Ratharēnus = 1 'Vālāgra' = tip of a hair. In ascending calculations it will lead to higher measurements, e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.
VARGANĀ : The Calculations on 'Kārmika' Side
These different molecular combinations of Matter have infinite forms and shapes. They are organised, distributed and : divided into infinite divisions, classes, types known as 'Vargaņā'. Among them eight are most important.
These 'Varganās' play a major part in creating sufferings and enjoyments of the soul in the cycle of its births and deaths, in various kingdoms of life, according to the law of Cause and Effect. The entire worldly phenomena and creations exist mainly because of these eight 'Vargaņā' or Categories of organized bodies of Matter. All particles of Matter have different qualities and disqualities like merit and demerit found in a drug.
The names of eight important Vargaņās : 1) Oudārika Varganā - for all material bodies of
living beings visible and invisible. 11) Vaikriya Varganā (Astral) for Celestial
and infernal beings. Ahāraka Vargaņā : A subtle body developed by high spiritual saints which can cover incredible
distances to acquire spiritual knowledge. M Tējasa Vargaņā : Static energy, heat, digesting power.
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