19.0 Some passages of the MNA have, because of their unusual con ents, attracted the attention of A. Weber and W.Schubring, who quote and discuss them. In our Report also they are mentioned at more than one place. We give their wording and in the case of passages 1-5 attach also the English translation , Deleu.
99.1 MNA. I.828.2-3 (p.30). Also see SLJ,p.182, fn.86; MNSt.A,p.4, No.1. 2. eyassa ya kulihiya-doso na dāyavvo suyaharehim.
kimtu jo c' eva eyassa puw'zāyariso āsi, tatth' eva katthai silogo, katthai silog'addham, katthai pay'ak haram, katthai akkhara-pantiyā, katthai pannagaputthiyam, katthai be-tiņņi paņņagāni evam-āi-bahu-gantham parigaliyam ti. CHA.
Deleu,p.94: (2) And the Doctors should not put the blame on the (foregoing] that it has been badly copied. (3) Rather (consider this): in that which was its original copy, sometimes a sloka, sometimes half a sloka, sometimes an aksara of a word, sometimes a series of akşaras, sometimes one side of a leaf, sometimes two (or) three leaves,etc., consequently a great deal of text, had vanished.
19.2 2.
11.837.2 (p.49) eesim tu donham pi ajjhayaņāņam vihi-puvvageņam savva-sāmannam vāyaṇam ti.
Deleu,p.118: (2) The reading of both these chapters (must) wholly and entirely (be done) according to rule.
19.3 5*
III.1 (p.50). Also see SLJ,p.182,fn.89.0 biy' ajjhayaņe 'mbile panca nav uddesā tahim bhave. taie solasa uddese astha tatth' eva ambile. jam taie, tam cautthe vi. pancamammi ch' āyambile; chatthe do sattane tinni; atthame āyambile dasa aņikkhita-bhatta-pāņe. na samghattenam ime Mahānisiha-vara-suyakkhandham vodhavvam ca äüttagapāņagenam ti.
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