Pages I Introduction
1-3 Il Verbal Testimony
4-42 Codanāsūtra
5-6 Sabdapariccheda Citrākṣepavāda
7-9 Sphotavāda
9-11 Aktivāda
11-13 Apohavada
13-15 Vapavada
15-19 Sambandhāksepaparibāra
19-21 Sabdanityatadhikarana
21-29 Väkyādhikarana
30-42 III Means of Valid Cognition other than Verbal Testimony
43-86 General problems regarding Valid Cognition
43-49 Perception (Pratyakşa)
49-59 (i) Why no Suprasensuous perception (ii) Why posit indeterminate perception
52-54 (iii) Why posit determinate perception
54-56 (iv) Object of sense-perception - unitary or otherwise
56-58 (v) No false superimposition of words on things they denote 58-59 Inference (Anumāna)
39-77 (i) The problem of Vyapti
60-70 (ii) The problem of Drştanta
70-72 (iii) The problem of Pakşadharmatā
72-73 (iv) The problem of Paksa
73-75 (v) The object of inferential cognition - something real or something fictitious
75-77 Apalogy (Upamāoa)
77-80 Implication (Arthāpatti)
80-84 Absence (Abhāva)
84-86 Is Refutation of Idealism
87-112 (i) Introductory
88 (ii) Refutation of the basic idealist inference
88-96 (iii) Rofutation of the idealist critique of perception
96-113 (a) The Idealist Case
98-102 (b) The Idealist Case Refuted
102-113 V Doctrine of Soul
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